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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Globalization has been and ongoing trend eversince the New Imperialism in the late 19th Century as a result of the promised wealth and economic propositions it offered to the nations that took part in the Industrial Revolution. Spearheaded by powerful countries like Britain, France, USA and even Germany, globalization has been penetrated into remote regions such as Africa, South East Asia and Japan. With execptions of the former, Japan was threathened to open up its markets to the Europeans considering its policy of isolation thus far up to the 1900s.

Globalization seems to be the answer and the solution to the mounting problems of the developing world, which refers to the part of the world where globalization is taking place gradually and naturally, globalization is an evolutionary process in most parts of the world. Essentially, the Western part of the world, particularly referring to America, Europe and Japan had been labeled as developed nations, in an instance where globalization had reached its peak. However, the trend of globalization had been diffused to many countries including the Southeast Asian region and South America. Yet, in globalization literature, it has been said that many people tend to benefit from the entire globalization process and more globalization is needed to solve the prevailing problems in most countries. This seemed not to stand to scrutiny. By examining the problems in the developing countries, it will essentially show that globalization seemed to be one of the imminent solutions. However, such solution should not be exaggerated or placed much emphasis. There are other solutions in such a complex and paradoxical world that we are living in.

Superficially, the view seemed attractive. Undoubtedly, it tends to portray that globalization is the sole answer to the problems in the developing world. Simultaneously, in most instances, it was aimed to the benefit the people through a whole range of activities.

In this respect, poverty seemed to be a major concern amongst countries with a high rate of its population concentrated in rural areas and most of them are illiterate. Thus, governments in such countries introduced policies intend to allow more of its population to participate in the new economic environment. For one, there is the World Bank which provides loans to poor countries for development projects. Such loans was intend to provide the governments with a sound infrastructural network with the construction of roads, railway networks, telegraph services, bridges and shipping services. It also lends for what it calls adjustments projects, which are to support governments undertaking policy reforms, which are to support governments undertaking policy reforms such as improved public sector management. This was evident in Indonesia with foreign investments reaching US$600 million, thus creating a pool of jobs and employment for the masses. In Thailand, Global Investments Private Limited had recommended tax free offshore investments, offshore trusts investments, medical and school fee planning. The construction of such services linked Thailand to play a more prominent role in the world economic system. This was further enhanced with the Thai’s Prime Minister, Thaksin, had already backed a proposal plan by the energy ministry to revive the latest budget projects, which will connect deep sea ports in the Andaman sea and the Gulf of Thailand with a 230-km long road and railway pipes, drawaing investments nearing $700 million and provide and alternative route for shipping and oil services. Hence, the result was that it increased trade and commerce, and also allowed the locals to gain from the investments. It also gave other locals a chance to invest and to export their products to the other parts of the world, increasing their income and standard of living.

Nor was that all. Globalization promotes peace and democracy in most developing countries. Countries strive to maintain cordial relationship because they do not want to threaten their vested interests. This was evident with the visit of the president of Philippines to the United States to ensure continuous and consistent support from their American counterparts when it comes to dealing with terrorism regionally, but particularly, globally. In the case of Libya, President Ghadaffi had made radical changes to his plans with regards to the construction of mass weapon destruction in order to be accepted by the world, but particularly from the British and American point of view. This was to ensure smooth trade and commercial activities between Libya and the industrialized nations. In this instance, it also triggered a sense of democratic movement by the Libyan government. As a result, globalization will eventually led to most countries come together and promote not only world peace by hunting down terror cells worldwide, but also to promote the economy of a country, but more importantly, to sustain economic growth and stability.

Yet, within a context of a complex world that we are living in, it would be too myopic to recognize that globalization seemed to provide the platform and the path to solve the problems in the developing countries. As a matter of fact, it should be noted that globalization seemed to be the cause of misery amongst most of the rural population, particularly the peasants. The view neglects such dramatic and radical negative effects globalization had on the society and the economy. Thus, the assertion is an over-exaggeration of the implication of globalization.

For one, there was the exploitation of labor in these developing countries. In Southeast Asia, where standard of livings seemed to reach such low standards, the Westerners and multi-national corporation seemed to take place this in their favor by investing in huge amounts, but at the same time repatriate most of these profits to their own boundary. Only a small amount was devoted to the local workers. This was evident when a group of people began the anti-Nike campaign when it view that the firm had repatriate an estimated of US$ 70 million from its overseas investments in Southeast Asia. In El Salvador, a woman who sows a $200 Liz Claiborne jacket is only paid merely 74 cents, which is less than half of 1%. Labor codes regarding matters such as labor recruitment, medical services, wages and working hours are not issued, thus, making working conditions in the developing countries essentially deplorable and deleterious in state. Thus, the workers were neither in the mood nor in a position to work effectively and efficiently and as a result, strikes are often within factories in developing countries, putting their economy in a stagnant and static position. This is evident in Indonesia and other parts of the growing world where the welfare of the people had not been prioritized.

Nor was that all. Globalization had also caused the destruction of native culture, handicrafts and traditions. In most cases, globalization had set a trend of “Americanization” amongst the new generation. The new generation is exposed to such Western cultures and ideas through the infiltration of Western media, either in the form of magazines, internet or even the newspapers more than ever before. Sadly, their local traditions, cultures and handicrafts had been removed and probably had almost reached liquidation point. Of more importance, gradual Westernization significantly affected the foundations, on which natives handicrafts had been hit upon. Lack of efficient, capital and support hindered the progress of craftsmen to promote and play a prominent role in the new economic environment. In the developing countries, many would prefer Western brands rather than local made goods. Thus, it would be blinkered to place such major emphasis on the positive aspects of globalization.

Yet, this does not draw us to the conclusion that we should or hinder the progress of globalization. Essentially, globalization had its advantages and disadvantages. While it undermines the position of the societies and local cultures, it should not be neglected that globalization had created a substantial amount of income and integrated local economies into the world economic system. To note, globalization is aimed to benefit a whole range of people, either the developed or the less developed nations. Globalization, as mentioned earlier, is a slow and gradual process. In fact it took America 100 years to topple Britain as the world leader. Thus, improvements amongst the developing countries should be swift, fast and dramatic. In the final analysis, in terms of time frame and speed, globalization will essentially benefit the whole world in the long term.

Posted at » 12:37 AM Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Football philosophies

Football backgrounds, football philosophies is what really moulds a team.
And this indifference within the sections of a team could affect the team's playing system. It is like a big hoo hah before the game and a total dumbfoundedness on the field as the team would be caught in bewilderness. Itz like, "Hey im lost. Shit! I cant even read the opponents movement." That's the ultimatum. Knowing ur enemy is an obligation ur tied to, and anyting other than tat is fatal as the smells of defeat is much nearer. Yet, applied in our monthly friendlies in which our opponents are but just aliens to us, it is tough to quickly learn their two definitive traits. STRENGTH AND WEAKNESSES! However, we haf to adapt to it. Adapt to the course of the game, the movement, the morale of all the players on the pitch, the confidence, the hunger, the attitude, the spirit, the skill, the one tat makes the all the move, their defensive loop hole.

All this should be notified and obeserved within the first 20 minutes cos the first 20 minutes is the hardest period in the game. Its the make or break. If ur team could adapt well to the rigours of the game, then itz a big thumbs up.

Yet, a special team needs a certain special form of bonding, a constant chemistry and similiar form of football background. Major flaw is team merah doesnt have any.

To start off, no one knows actuall his role to play in the field. How bad can tat be? And not knowing ur role, how could one facilitate the process of winning? And since football is a team game, isnt the odds greater to lose if u dont know what it takes to win?! Winning is beautiful of course, and that's every player's mission to accomplish. Yet, a mission without any careful microscopic plans and desigantion of assisgnments will lead to a nothing more than a pathetic and disarray performance.

For one, the defensive cover should be strong enough. Strong enough to hold off any attacks the opponents are making. And in this part, the midfield should help in a huge part of it. DEFENCE is the single most imporatant ting in football. Its absolutely obnoxious and degrading to know that u can attack and cant defend. That's what happenend to Brazil of 1982. So much depth in attacking that they even forget the basic elements of defending. Lesson very much learnt, and the football has evolve ever since. And juz to let u noe, strikers are what u call setting up the first line of defence. The midfield is the major battle site, however if itz been penetrated, reinforcement should come from the midfield itself. Isnt it common sense! Retreating to help ur fellow base line covers. And when it comes to attacking, itz understandable tat the best midfield player, with the most attributes, ideas and a hi level of football intelligence should be leading the attack.

Most teams now, as it is then, has been build based on one man, their heroes. Diego Maradona, Johan Cruyff, Pele, Marco Van Basten, Roberto Baggio, Romario, Gheorge Hagi is totally from another generation, but the foundations of building a team from corner stones have taken a much likening with managers nowadays. As much as football is team game, itz nearly impossible to believe that each team has players with uniformity level of skills, talent, speed and stamina. There is sure bound to be some outstanding ones, and these players get the team moving on, supported by the rest. These are the players that make the difference to the game, that begin from igniting the spirit of the team to eventually changing the game's scoreline. Mourinho, has been feeding Frank Lampard with an outstanding array of talents that includes a stable defence led by John Terry, two midfield generals of the calibre of Makelele and Essien and a typical strong forward, Didier Drogba. This applies to Rooney and Gerrard at United and Liverpool respectively. Crouch vs Van Nistelrooy, Smith and Scholes vs Alonso and Mohammad Sissoko. This is a pattern that started years ago and seeing its legacy continue, which create stardom for these players.

Yet, qns is? Can team merah afford to haf such approach to a game? Who can fill the boots of these "hero"? Itz not to raise any players profile or to extend the gap between the weaker and the better players, bt it is more of reaffiriming each and every one's role in the team. If there's a game plan, stick to it. Any plan is not a winning plan, but we strive to make it into one. If itz not working, then switch to plan B, which should be ready to be unleashed at any time. And at back of each player's mind, they should be mentally ready for tactical changes. However, we cant afford to swap position at any time.

And worst is saying.." Eh, aku boleh main sekejap jer ah. Or eh, aku tak leh main sini! Kena main sini. Or eh, aku start nanti eh.?". Are u telling me u haf low self esteem? Then what are the balls for? I should give considerations to injuries, bt everyone should know they should keep themselves fit. And talking about fitness, the team has appaling fitnees rates, minus a few. Surviving a game is thus another big qns mark. Yes, for all the skills most of them possess, it has totally been outlawed by their fitness.

And what lies ahead for the team? Another huge qns mark. Different philopsophies should be settled. What kind of game u wanna play? English, German, Brazilian or continental Europe. ( Coughs) The long ball vs short build up pass? The diagonal balls or ball behind defence?

Truthfully, im done. Had enough. To each his own, im gonna settle down with new commitments soon. Ciao~

Posted at » 4:18 AM

Hidhirthoshi Nakata
Age 19
Birthday 230286
Horoscope Ikan Gerapu
School BMTC 2, power tau, surrounded by hutans!
Country Tokyo, Singapore

Religious studies
A tag on my shirt that says Made In Italy


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