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Saturday, December 24, 2005
A reflectiion.

The hallucinations and ramifications of pitting up against a team from the Coast Guards was terminated at the very end when the Guards themselves was activated for ops(whatever that means). It was a daunting task to find replacement at such short notice and i, who had only 3 hours of sleep in the previous night was tormented considering the fact every team rejected the catastrophic proposal. Before that, more bad news was laid upon the team when Ghanina was chained from his Lina Inverse as if he owned a land in Australia--recognised?!-- and his Boyanese-Brazilian counterpart Ansarinho had to priortise his schoolwork instead of displaying his talents on the soccer field and this definitely raised eyebrows amongst the Papparazis and tabloids everywhere considering his bizzare actions. In an exclusive interview with The Sun, Ansarinho clearly explained that he wished to end his soccer career on high note, after the World Cup Finals in Germany. He further explained that after winning the inagural Fifa Player of the Award and Fifpro Award, he felt that it's time for him to hung up his boots and lay his devotions now to surfing and studies. Spanish newspapers like Los Conchestos also confirmed such remarks by the player himself. Inevitably, the magical talents that have bestowed upon him will surely be missed by neutral soccer fans worldwide.

Yes, im the one that came the latest in the pack of players. Anything new? Actually, im the one that left my "cage" pretty late as i had to sit by the phone from 10-1 to hear if any team has flown in to have a match against us. Once again, the unfortunate happpend. It rained. The one thing i could not afford to control. Maybe Hitler and Sapek's great grandfather, Mao De Zong could revolutionise Germany and China respectively and changing the course of history, but could anyone could stop the rain from falling?! By the way, the venue had to be relocated to Katong Spastic School where one of our mates spent his childhood there as a student. (the player wished to be anonymous, but unfortunately he was not there yesterday to visit his old school).

Samba dance, quick feet and safe passing was the theme and approach taken. Probably the influence of Ginga have taken its effect. George Best, with his much awaited new look was back to his best. Nazeem, aka Viera was the heart of the team, creating each attack and defending our impregnable fortress with the Mexican Jorge Ismayel guarding the wonderpost. Yet, his past continues to haunt him when a blunder in the 1st min almost lead to a goal, only to be denied by the post. First advice: Dont Look Back In Anger. Apparently, his misdeeds in the 21st minute led to the opponents equaliser after mishandling the "slippery" ball.

Yet, the unprecedented and undisputed biggest flop should go to Jose Antonio Sapek. With his illustrious carrer and disillusioned background certainly does not match his performance yesterday. A dandy individual both on and off the field, attracting dozens of lovely lady lumps, Sapek's lacklustre finishing could not define his once clinical finishing during his prime days at Arsenal. His performance was overshadowed by the man whom we picked up in the coastal areas of the island of Jamaica. Salman"s aka RhastaMan high level of work rate and commitment would definitely make every Jamaican proud. Yaaar Man! Im from the graduation of Jamaica!

So much for this, the highest credit should go to Nazeem for keeping us at bay. Not only he is the heart and lungs and brains for the team, his goal probably allows us to settle in the game.

Looking from a different angle, our team is a perfect mix of different individuals, forged during our reign at tanjong katong sec, along which we pickd up many new friends. A journey thorugh a series of trials and tribulations whilst at the same time experiencing affection just by playing soocer, it is certainly not gonna end any soon. It is only the beginnning.

Some love stories...Live forever....

Posted at » 6:25 PM Tuesday, December 13, 2005
A wake up call.

No one would expect such a hassle just to play a soccer match. A day expected to be fine and a field expected to be flawless was perhaps the ideal and conducive environment for a kickaround amongst 22 soccer enthusisats. But it was totally opposite come 10 dec at 3pm. However, truth to be told, it was a triumph that was not celebrated with any individual brillance or slick play. Yes, it's true that certain players would prioritise fashion statements rather than soccer ethics in a game which a victory is already in the hands, but would not be won without a battle.

Of course, we were tactically outplayed. A midfield which many define as the crucial battle site was left gaping with a hole bigger than the ozone layer. The team obnoxiously approached a tactic that was infamously designed for the Liverpool team under the glittering yet lackluster reign of Gerrard Houllier. Sit back. Break on the counter. Even the supremacy of Ansarinho was not able to break the deadlock with 3 clear sitters. Only the wits and skills of certain players managed to break the runs of the opponents rearguard. Any team would take this victory, but certainly not team merah. It was only in the second half that the midfield was installed with a guardsman hailed from the slumps of Italy, Ghanina Gattusso. A destroyer i would say as he gives no compromise for any attacking play strategised by the opponents. Yet, credit must be given to Syed too for compacting the field alongside Ghanina and changing the course of play. It was the disappointement of the highest order in the first half by the midfield personals. Shall i mention who? Salman did well on the right, Kurn was fantastic, Fauzi was ok2, and highly rated Cancun keeper, Jorge Ismayel had a game which he would love to remember.

A lack of jurisdication, a tensioned conflict of interests and an abundance of bizzare shouting and scolding prevented any systematic or a brand of play that has tagged the team all this while. It was not the magical Brazilian samba magic or the passing style of Arsenal, nor was it the highly sophisicated Total Football, but it was not surprisingly a bunch of schoolboys plying their trade on a field where the Western world would define as "The Great Swamp". If the game were viewed via sattlite, then the mad rocket scientists at NASA would certainly portray to the world that George Best is back, but not to his best though. =$

What the team need is internal motivation, continuous support amongst each other and a special interaction on the field which would utterly show the true bond the team had in the previous years. Next game is but just a few days away, please prepare mentally and physically for the "enemy" might have the ability to make a fools out of us. 24th Dec, 3pm. Please take note. And please wake up.

Fancy a house beside the ocean? Call me.

Posted at » 1:18 AM Wednesday, December 07, 2005
The Merah Match.

This is the latest. Team merah will find its wits and skills tested this Saturday at Ubi Mahabody Field at 3pm against a team hailed from TPJC. Ok fine, its my former school and i realise that but no worries, there is a few teams line up for us in the coming months. Hopefully, in the next two months, team merah could pit our talents against teams from Bedok Reservoir, Ngee Ann Poly, MJC(pfft) and bla bla bla.

And before that, there will be a minute silence in remembrance of the late Masuri S. N and George Best. Yet, more importantly, we shant talk about the catastrophe or perhaps phenomenon that occured to team merah in the wake of our last game which if a clip could be made out of it, could go down to the programming stations of AXN and be made as one of the World's Greatest Sports Violence in History. So yah, Fauzi, please behave. Possible line up could see the return of Super Pippo, Ansarinho, Messi's best mate in Barcelona, Nasdinho and Jose Antonio Sapek. Injuries includes Pahmiao(toe) and Hamdonok( Knee ligament)---(byk buang tuh). Mexicano keeper Jorge Mayel could make the post his home this sat, whilst the formidable pair of Nazeemho and Mimi the Booh could tower the defence for the game. Achapz could also feature in this game. Sultan Khidhir mangkat dijulang could find himself at the centre of the pitch. Hehez..

Anw, it seems Ubi Mahabody seems to be a fitting groud for team Merah to call home. In the future, maybe we'll find a land at Tanah Merah and play.

A nation with a conscripted army will only deprive its people, especially its military personals.

Posted at » 3:39 AM Tuesday, December 06, 2005
a poem i created whilst on duty!

Teringat malam semalam
Malam najat tanah Madura
Tika ketul-ketul langit merah bergantang-gantang
Kerana dalam pada saat itu
Akan terkabul segala doa dan hajat
Tidak lupa juga pintu syurga Firdaus
Yang akan terbuka seluas-luasnya…

Rintihan berlagu penuh kesyahduan
Suara mendayu membisu dengungan
Setelah melihat bumi dibaham kemurkaan Tuhan
Yang tinggal hanya berapa cebisan harta dan nyawa
Dan ditinggalkan pula sehelai sepinggang
Beku mergastua sekalian dek ketakutan!

Walhal tanah Madura kaya dengan sejarah
Pernah pula digelar serambi Makkah
Senandung yang dipijak bakal haji dan hajjah
Bukan sahaja makmur tempatnya
Tapi bintang jutalaksa tunduk akan cahayanya

Namun, zaman berlalu berubah wajah
Puas TOk Uja berpesan
Hinggakan merah bibir basahnya
Agar ingat adanya bumi kedua
Tapi diendahnya juga kata penglipur budiman
Sedangkan gunung memuntahkan api
Kerana takut akan kebesaranNya..

Memang benarlah iblis sudah bermaharajalela
Tutup segala mimbar iman diganti nafsu menggila
Kononnya si tua petah berbicara
Bertalamkan lidah seolah-olah lautan itu ilmu berdakwat

Inikan penderita makhluk durhaka
Bala yang ditimpa setimpal sumpah seranahnya
Yang setinggi liang lahat
Hikayat tragedi Madura tersurat sudah
Dijadikan teladan tersirat dalam kitab sejarah

TOk Uja bertapa di halaman rumah
Dialas dengan daun pisang santapannya
Tapi tak juga dimamah atau dijamah
Kerna hati kecilnya teramat sangat mencari taufik dan hidayahNya
Agar tak terpicang kaki yang bergesiran
Agar tapak tidak bergarisan sepanjang jalan
Dalam merintis titian Siratal Mustaqim

Kerana dunia menentu segalanya
Kalah sudah anak cucu Adam tunduk kepada kekuatan syaitan
Hinggakan adat dan budaya tidak lagi dikenalnya

Seloka ditulis sempena tragedi Tsunami di Aceh/Madura…

Bukan niat untuk menimang pujian
Tiada hajat pula untuk mencipta nama
Tetapi sekadar melepaskan rindu
Cinta nan satu ini.

My love affair in the world of poems continues even whilst on duty and serving the beloved country of Singapore.

Juliet, o juliet, whereforth art thou juliet?
For thy is under oath,
Sent under the pilgrimage of thy nation,
And now seemed tied under the bloody sinners of the Eastern shores.

grief =(

Posted at » 1:08 AM

Hidhirthoshi Nakata
Age 19
Birthday 230286
Horoscope Ikan Gerapu
School BMTC 2, power tau, surrounded by hutans!
Country Tokyo, Singapore

Religious studies
A tag on my shirt that says Made In Italy


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