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Saturday, April 23, 2005
To be or not to be..

I have no regrets knowing her.

We are no longer the kind friends we used to be.

She pointed out my negative sides, but i do have hers.

Itz juz tat i dont want to display it.

Everything have two sides, she failed to see the other side of me.

Im not surprised actually.

She doesnt know what's going thru my head. Well, no one actually.

"And since you know you cannot see yourself,
So as well, by reflection, I, your glass,
Will modestly discover to yourself,
that of yourself which you yet know of."

Willam Shakspeare

Beautiful isnt it...hahaz. I took it from amz blog

Posted at » 10:49 AM Monday, April 04, 2005
Gema Puisi Artistik!

Kudos to Azmil, Afifa and Hazwani and the cast of GPA 05 TPJC for clinching the 3rd place in GPA finals. Power lah korang, orang2 Singapura. hehehz..Afifa, i didnt actually Sholat Hajat but i did pray for u guys to be successful. Syukur alhamdullilah.

And to Azmil, congrats for grabbing the best puisi award. I crave that last yeat but have to bow out to SRJC superior puisi! Power lah Azmil! Bez! Bt where's the best Song award? Hahaz, itz ok lah eh..I believe the 3rd place sums up the joyfest in TPJC's camp and it does really prove to be a moral booster to TPJC perdayu..power lah korang. Manifest 05, i must request, should be better than the previous Manifests. I noe itz a tall order, bt korang mesti boleh nya. Everything seems promising right now.

Ok2, here's some parts of Azmil's script which i can remember?! Not exactly ah..

Kumbang2 Malam banyak lah hari ni
Eh2, jantan tidak betina pun tidak?
Dalam banyak2, orang apa tak tahu malu?
Orang takda kemaluan? Waakakak..hehhez

Oi! Jangan pandang aku sebelah mata eh
Sekali aku rodok! Potek!

Wow..weee..best script ive ever read. Bagus2...

And here's the lyrics from last year's song!

Di dalam malam gempak gempita
Kini hadirlah hamba di dunia
Menjejak semalam yg tiada maknanya
Dan dunia yg penuh dengan cita-cita
Tapi apalah maksudnya
Andai cita sekadar bicara
Andai cinta sekadar rasa
Sedang yg mengusik yg menyapa
Hanya sumpah perpura

Berhajatkan mencipta sejarah
Membuat satu perhitungan maruah
Kini hamba hadir semula
Kerana ada esok maka pasti
Adanya suria hamba akan pergi
Berbekalkan belerang jingga
Buat pelita waktu gelita..

nd this is for Sapek. Khas utk nya

Bukit bukau, gunung ganang
Tempat main anak orang Cina!

Hindarlah!! Ikan ikan dalam tin Sardin!

Posted at » 2:43 PM
Changes, evolution and revolution!

Itz the rule of thumb that women is somehow, rather, macam, women always come after the man.
AKu tak nak cakap ajer, nanti takot tersinggung perasaan pihak2 tertentu..makan dalam karang, itu yg susah kot.

Anw, team merah, ive discussed with Salman the possibility of a match with FC Jatuh on the 3rd Sat of June.( Check korang nya calendar!) Dont worry, by then ill be a proud army man who have gone through the rigors of military life that includes eating spiders, talking to caterpillars and sleeping with snakes. AKu POP mid June ah..so ill be free by then..ANw, juz a reminder, to those of you who knew Raja!, my ex Geylang mate, yg laju gila, shooting mampat..his part of FC Jatuh, and i muz say an integral part. Im planning this way ahead, like 2 months before, becos we need to settle a lot of stuffs. This aint a rumour, itz a fact. ITz not NATO..(no action talk only)!!

THe stuffs that need to be settled includes the buying of a new top for the team, Baju merah kita nak bakar ah..hahahz, teros buang dalam laut. Laut India ke, hahahaz...Ok2, on a more serious note, i hope u can fork out 25 bucks each for just a top with a number at the back. No shorts, no socks whatsoever. Itz juz a top. We are still in premature stages in settling of the top but we need a majority vote. MESYUARAT AGONG ke online?? Well, ham is considering to get umbro, me n ismael thought of getting the Nike white/orange jersey we fall in love with at penin atas sekali..Bt i aimed to get the top b4 the match ah..kalau korang nak tukar nombor, cepat2 chop sekarang...hahaz..hamlau nak 8, sapek nak 18, me with my traditional 17...Anw, if FC Jatuh cannot make it, then we seek other teams lah to have a match with...

Oh, this is my 100 Rupiah worth of thoughts on parenting.

Parenting is the act of or to be a parent. Personally, i have no points to elaborate on this topic because im yet to be a called a father..Cheh, itu tak lama tu!! so any points written here is extremely superficial and debatable by any means!

For one, the Chinese is the one race that i look up when it comes to educating children. This is simply because the Chinese are one of the most succesful race in this World and they need to prolong that legacy so that their race is not fooled or being taken advantage of in order for other to be benefactors of their work!
Let me check its history of success!
-Great Wall of China
-Mao De Zong Long March that inspired the communist movement( about 7800km of walk--Melayu mana nak jalan ni jauh)
-Cultural revolution led by Mao himself that shaped and define the modern Communist Chinese Actually, its cocoon of success includes a list of contributions to the world but i shall leave it to all of u to research on that. Hahahahz...

im stuck actually. Sheesh, tak tahu apa nak tulis. If u read amz blogs, itz about her aspirations and thoughts of being a parent. Bt mine is rather the opposite. I based it on observations and the most of it come from my parents lah! hahz..Ok, their way of educating me is kind of simple,
they give me extreme liberty, that every time i ran myself into a mistake, itz time for them to intervene. Mistakes are not allowed to repeat twice. Learn from it but the idea here is to make mistakes so you can learn from it, to shape you to be a better person.

my mom: biarkan lah, nanti dia rasa baru tahu!

In fact, being the 2nd child, im quite independant actually. Cheh, bt my parents will always intervene lah at times but quite frequently i suppose. They need to noe who i mixed with, spends time with, talks on the phone with, play soccer with, macam2 lah...Bt im not deprived of freedom lah..hahahhz

My father: Muhammad Khidhir, tadi keluar ngan siapa? Sekolah mana? Pergi mana? Makan kat mana? If i went out with the opposite sex, the questions would be much more. Tu yg pawau sikit.

Im against the idea of parents grounding their child, setting rules of what time to come back(kalau anak dara maghrib kena balik i understand lah, kumbang2 malam kan banyak) Itz a thought actually, and i gez itz juz me. Im not sure how to elaborate on those who have been grounded and is currently on grounding situation?? Are u deprived? Stressd? Depressed? 5 days of school and you are not rewarded at the end of it? Sheesh, that's snobbish i suppose. Itz juz defeat the purpose of learning then.

Or isit then that such children failed to instill a sense of importance when it comes to studies? Main 24 jam and lupa daratan semua! No time management till the parents have to take the stern action of forcing them to stay at home 24 7? Or asyik ingat matair ajer, and lupa dunia? Pelajaran terbengkalai, ilmu ugama tak fasih and satu benda haram pon dah lupa! Isit? Live in ur fantasy world with ur bf/gf and tak ingat mak bapaK, as if the world is the bf/gf? Or isit dah tahu keturunan Melayu yg dasar memang pemalas, bengap bodoh,(sorry) so tak kisah ah...Boleh ikut kawan aper, gi Poly or JC or ITE then fail sama2...Tak kisah dengan kehidupan..
Cukup dengan apa yg ada?? Hidop lepak, motor minah rokok yg penting? Studies is secondary? Sheesh..Inilah anak melayu sekarang, nasib baik mak bapak dorang sayang dorang.

Abih u asyik nak ajer..I penat tau...

Posted at » 2:04 PM Sunday, April 03, 2005
Feminism Part 2

Itz basically a western misconception
Heard of moneythism? the worship of wealth power and greed??
Feminist movements have close relations to moneythism, the need to close the gap between men and female. The recent Friday prayers, led by Dr Amina Wadud, was aimed to narrow the gap between the men and women in Islam but such acts only invites criticsm from Muslim bodies worldwide. Feminist, viewed in the context and eyes of Muslim scholar, is to stir up and to create such complexities within the system and dynamics of Islam as Islam propose the idea that the men have the right to lead, the one that will be the breadwinner in the family, the one that will lead prayers and doa's.

What do you have to say about male dominance? Greed? Selfishness?
" dynamics of Islam as Islam propose the idea that the men have the right to lead, the one that will be the breadwinner in the family, the one that will lead prayers and doa's." PROPOSE! That's only a proposal there's no rule that only males will have the right to lead and stuff. It's all in the mind I'd say.

Yet i was disgraced by a 16 year old(her name i prefer to be anonymous) who wrote the above. On a personal level, i found myself in a tough position to argue her out as her influences(that includes political, social and most importantly religion) are completely different and her line of arguement could steer to a point where it would be based on the idea of the secular state, invented by post Euro-Christian and Euro-Jewish generations.

Her tone of her argument speaks for itself. Although she was quite aggresive in questioning me, i could see that the nature of her questions was myopic and absolutely narrow. Why must she view the idea of greed and selfishness ONLY IN MEN? WHY? isnt tat absoulte? In other words, to put this in a more diplomatic manner, arent women greedy and selfish too? Arent feminist movements in itself promotes greediness and selfishness amongst women! The need to close the gap with their male counterparts, the total destruction of the notion of women being the weaker sex, the one that would be submissive and play the supporting role in most political, economic and social issues. Well, the idea of feminist movement leaves me with one question? Whose the real enemy of feminist? Feminist itself is a movement, a revolution that aimed to contradict women from the past and the present. In other words, the women want power, which most of them are deprived of. Knoweldge gives us power, and as more women are educated, where are the fruits of it? Is the enemy then men that have always and will always occupy the positon at the helM?

Do Islam then diminished women in every sense of the word? Does Islam then again always points out that women are always second when it comes to man?

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w(p.b.u.h) was once asked by a sahabat who should we give our utmost respect to. The prophet answered Ibu mu(mother). He was then asked again who should come after our mother. The prophet once again answered ibu mu(mother). He was then asked who should come after Ibu considering the sahabat receives the same answers for the first 2 questions. Once again, he answered Ibumu.

Only after 3 times the prophet mentioned ibumu, the next in line came our fathera(ayahmu). What is the significance of this Ahadith?? What points can you draw out? Arent women in Islam celebrated? Arent women in Islam given special position by God of Abraham? Think! Draw out your own conclusions with regards to feminist movement. It is truly a western misconception, which in every aspect aimed to stirr up the feelings of Muslims and disrupt our beautiful religion.
Then what do u think of Dr Amina Waddud? A controversial figure in the eyes of Islam, her recent actions came to a point where it chided most of the Islamic bodies all over the world. Nays to these people( her followers). Why?
-a woman who failed to follow the dressing for woman set by Islam proudly gave azan
-other women prayed side by side with men without any sense of embarassement

Prophet Muhammad have prophesiced in a Hadith.
"Takkan henti kaum Nasrani and Yahudi menggoda umatku hinggalh ke hari Kiamat."
-Again, think for yourselves what does this Ahadith and site examples from the godless secular European and American states.

Btw, this is brief history of the main centres of Islam.
Makkah---->Madinah------>Makkah(prophet Muhammad)
Makkah---->Baghda,Iraq( reign of Hassan and Hussein, cucu Nabi)
Iraq---->Turkey( reign of Yazid I, Yazid II and Yazid III)
It was until 1924 that we saw the fall of the great Islamic Ottoman empire in the hands of the secular European state.

Future centres of Islam. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Syria. Peace out to the Arab league.

Posted at » 3:05 PM

Hidhirthoshi Nakata
Age 19
Birthday 230286
Horoscope Ikan Gerapu
School BMTC 2, power tau, surrounded by hutans!
Country Tokyo, Singapore

Religious studies
A tag on my shirt that says Made In Italy


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