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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Check my hidden profile!

Peepz, if u were to click at GOOD WILL FILF HUNTING, then we juz might end up reading a brief of side of me. My profile lah...oh, ada gambar babyku..courtesy of Amz, cos i dont noe how to use Html language...hahahz

Posted at » 12:11 PM
The next few posts..the last few..

Well, it had been another tormenting willy-nilly week that became another inevitable part of my life, induced with a compatible mixture of a cursed monday tuesday and wednesday( i sat at home) and a fortitous thursday, friday and weekends considering i managed to squeeze time with my bez mates and pals although many of me friends would not erase in our memories the filthy defeat we had to concede to a bunch of lads who really understand the dynamics and system of soccer.

The defeat broke every cocoon of success that we had tasted over the past few matches. It was a defeat perceived to shatter every bit of our moral, and cohesivness that the team had built over the past few years. The solidarity amongst the team now is put on trail, and questions have been raise whether there would be another possible match which could conjure the soon to be break bonds. What's next for a team who had so much promise in the beginning?

For one, im going off soon to serve my duties as a servant to the nation, equipped with a sense of patriotism and urgency to complete my 2 years as a civil worker. This 2 years could well be utterly filled with disciplinary installments that would surely do good for me and an unfotunate series of encounters with men who breeds on materialsm, power and greed!

Achapz and co, i heard from 1st hand information, is now contracted with a team that could possibly culminate more championship medals on their cabinet. What i heard was that they would take to the fields every week, on a tournament that would eventually promise them an abundance of playing experience and the ability to succumb new playing levels and heights.

Ismael, the keeper that had kept almost every shot from entering the demons hole, had to bow out of soccer on the demands of his parents. This meant that he would seize almost all relations with the team that once he was a prodigy, a prominent figure that spreads his wisdom through his inspiring and laudable saves. No one would ever concieve that a guy who took soccer as a secondary hobby would grow into a pedigree that he is now.

The elite players in the team, which thy shall not mention who, is either unavailable in the near future or would ply their trade somewhere else. What left in the team is a group of players who will found themselves dumbfounded in a sport that will continously evolve and this reality of failing to check the contemporary changes will eventually led the team to dilute themselves into futher degredation if serious changes are not met.

Anyways, Im enlisting on the 8th of April, which is next friday and the next few posts would be my last few. Ive been working and mould on a few topics that would prove to be complex and appeare that most of you would either alienate or overlooked.

Oh yah..i would like to extend my deep appreciation to those who had been reading my blog...

kalau ada sumur di ladang boleh kita tumpang mandi,
kalau ada umur yang panjang Manifestasi satu lagi...Yeah!
Ya Allah, jadikanlah Manifestasi 05 satu kejayaan dan satu detik bermakna bagi kehidupan mereka yg mengambil bahagian..dan menjayakkannya...

Posted at » 1:14 AM Monday, March 28, 2005
Science replays the crucifixion


This link here will show you the role science plays in the cruxifixion. Seramz!

Posted at » 12:00 AM Sunday, March 27, 2005

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Inilah kasut boxer from le coq sportif. 50 bucks! wat a bargain!

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Lift yang menyeramkan kat shaw towers! Ada tiang ni, nak joget tiang kot!

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Tingkat 4 7 9 pon takda!...Siapa nak jawab! berhantu kot

Posted at » 4:53 PM

Inilah team merah zaman dulu!Rambutku afro, azmi is still larjmi, fahmi masih hensem, ismail masih kurus, and nas ngan ansar still plying their trade kat Santos and Grameio respectively.

Edit:// its not really clear so to see the pic, click HERE.

Posted at » 4:40 PM
winds of change

Why isit hard to argue on the topic of uni quotas, which Aduh, has totally disagree with me! Frankly, i think your point is rather vague and it doesnt potray a sense of competitveness in yourself. You explicitly states that realistically the quotas would definitely prove to be a gift to the Malays considering the fact that the Malay occupants in other institutions like ITE and Polytechnics have increased and flourished over this past years. Thus, your simplistic conclusion boils down on the idea of a lesser number of Malays in Jcs whose places in local Unis are rather specially reserved because we dont have to compete with the Chinese to get into the local Unis, but instead, itz a competition amongst the Malays which will eventually filled up the places in the reserved uni quotas.

In any case, when there's competition and based on the grounds of supply and demand, in this case local unis, you should verily aware that there is only 3 Unis which is well-recognised, sterotyped as the elite instituions in this island. Almost every JC student begged to have a place in there, which simply sums up their decision to take the route of the JC education. Its impossible for NUS, NTU and SMU to house each every A level candidate, the 10% from polytechnics and the others who would love to further their studies in this 3 well established Unis. THe point here im making is that the government needs to strike a balance in this plural society of Singapore which inevitably led to the creation of quotas. Like housing under the management of HDB, there are quotas set for a flat. For instance, it is prohibited for a flat to house all chinese or all Malays in its parameters. Tatz racist i gez! We need to set limits in a country where plural society have existed even before the arrival of Raffles on the shores of our island.

An intirguing assesment of Singapore's history would reveal verily that the Malays had once enjoyed free education till University. It was certainly welcoming for the Malay society at that point in time. Yet, considering the fact that even though this cluster group of people enjoyed certain privilages and itz language was made National besides having a Malay national anthem and a Malay Head Of State( Yussof Ishak), such privelages come at an expense. For instance, the Malays had to shift from their conventional kampong houses to a rather filthy and gross newly bulit HDB flats. The point is this. Im not trying to undermine the efforts taken by the government to rebulid Singapore starting from scratch, but it seems a near impossible task for the Malays to keep and preserve their heritage, culture and tradition. THe usual bonds created in kampong houses or villages are nearly destroyed as a result. The lifestyle of the Malays are drastically redefined, which the goverment unfairly overlooked! I dont want to drift myself too far, bt the point im making here is that the free university education are dropped and its implications are horrendous to the Malay society. Frankly, i view such policies was to keep the number of Malays in local unis as low as possible.

I think i shall create a conspiracy theory here. The Chinese are in fact intimidated, jealous of the Malays that have been filling up places in the Unis. What if the Malay undergraduates from NUS were to be more succesful than their own race, controlling their bussiness, politics and economics! Because everyone believes the notion of knoweledge is power and power is something u need in this competitive world. Its not actually the power to rule, but instead the power to control and to overlook matters and have every right to make the final decison when passing laws, creating policies. (well this is politics). Filthy army man assumed that power is measured through ranks. That is absoulutely snobbish, desperate and obnoxious! It is important to note that one that studies in a Malay school in post war period only diminished his/her chances to get a job considering the fact that the economic language by this point in time had shifted from Malay to English as a result of a drastic transformation of the mechanisms of economics in Singapore, from butter trade to heavy intensive industries! Hence, unlike Chinese schools, Malay schools are gradually closed down as more and more Malays had to register their child to English schools in a hope of a prosperous future! This is the hidden agenda by our government, in the sense that they took calculated acts to oboselete the Malays in every aspect of their lives.

Viewed from purely military perspective, the first few intakes of NS men were made up of Chinese, Indians and other miniorities in its entirety. The absence of Malays was an eye oponer to the educated class of the Malays. It occured to them that it would be a great disadvantage if Malays were militarily handicapped, and would look upon as the weaker race in Singapore as they were incapable of protecting Singapore.Moreover, the law that had been passed assumed that any 18-year old able-bodied man have to go through NS. Yet, when no Malays were seen in training fields, doubs and questions were raised. This simply sums up why some of our fathers did not have to go through the rigours and training of NS. It was only when Mansor Sukaimi, a great personal ive met a few times, fought against the government which forces them to shift to new policies. By this time, some Malays were handpicked to go through NS and gradually almost all of the Malays had to go through NS. The point is to further justify the fear and intimidation by the Chinese to prevent Singapore being ruled and controlled by the Malays. Yet, this point is paradox in fact. hahahaz..i dont want to go to tekong menjerit. Why must the policy change! sheesh! Bukannya ada civilisation kat sana! Moreover, to justify my point further, whilst Malays are recruited in the NS only after a few years after its launch, the top notch military sections such as commnados and airforce are almost being monopolised by "them" and "them" alone. So, whilst the "others' enjoyed top military training and nuturing, the Malays were miserably occupying the bottom half, the discriminated side of the army hierachy!

To HUda, im sorry i have to digress myself to such extensive lengths. The uni quotas in fact was juz one of the few hidden discrimination aspects the Malays have to face. Yet, i dont want you to take for granted the fact that since the Malays are reserved this number of places in Unis, we thus have to compete amongst ourselves and not with other group of people. Fact is, i have always been competing with the top 5 JCs since they are the ones that set the standards, the bench markers in other words. In this way, you might just realise that we are juz a tiny fish in a huge ocean. Although my results is by far not the best, i really hope that you will do much better than me. Its not impossible, you just have to believe. =)

To gloria arroyo please claim tekong as part of your borneo territory.
To Yudhyono, please claim tekong as part of your lost "Mollucas" island
To Pak Lah, please claim tekong as part your old temenggong Johore-Riau Empire.

Please do sthg! fight tekong at the Hague and seize all military operations at once!

Posted at » 4:01 PM
Baju baruku..lawar kan!

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Inilah baju Soviet Union during 1962 World Cup. A historical monument im wearing! Oh my, this is what history is all about. Anw, Russian Revolution is interesting though..

Posted at » 1:35 AM Saturday, March 26, 2005
Apperciations and more appericiations

To Ameera, ma lil sis cum architech, hehehz..thanz 4 the latest addition in my blog..the comments. It seems pretty useful isnt it? Well, i told you about some anonymous girl that have been tagging on my blog, now she's giving me advise on the significance of blogging. Isnt that welcoming?
Wow..you learn from critics and advise..Wah..i really apperciate it Hafizah for dropping by and giving priceless pieces of advise!

OH yah..to amz, thanz 4 making me blog a blast. Kristin Kreuk is a primadonna, a phenomenon well greeted by me n Sapek. A girl whose roots boils down to a compatible mixture of Chinese and Dutch, the end product certainly resulted in a Pan-aSian look where most guys would be craving for.

Amz, we should go to Tekka soon b4 me tekong menjerit. It doesnt cross my mind that tekong would even serve Indian food, let alone tosai, my favourite. And Swensense too, oh my. Thanz 4 the treat, and i must pay you back soon. Very soon. Pisang terbelah! hahaz..banana split ah..The dessert that proudly glitter itself at my table as soon as it makes itz presence! Amz had bonanza belly split dancer eh! Eh, i forgot ah bt there is pisang! Which is our favourite fruit! hahaz..And i really appericate we had a great time.

Saya dulu belajar sampai darjah empat tiga suku!
Aite, yang lagi sukunya ke mana?
Oh..yang lagi suku itu Jepon serang Malaya ah!

Posted at » 12:22 PM

This is a test post from Photobucket.com

Posted at » 9:35 AM Friday, March 25, 2005
Orang Melayu

Sedarlah kita ni orang melayu..makan belacan..bukan orang inggeris yang maruah dan moral sudah rosak dan hancur!

Posted at » 11:48 PM
The game we blew it all!

Whilst Christians all over the world celebrated their festive occasion of Good Friday, the lads from team merah felt a rather soured and unfrutiful day after being tamed by a team that outclassed our gameplay in every department, from defenders right up to the forwards. Before i proceed on with the highlights of the match which creates a glimmer and ignites our dying sprits, i shall first deliberately emphasise on the journey to our mysterious match ground at Tanglin Pitch 3.

Firstly, the reason i chose pitch 3 instead of pitch 2 and 4 is because Islam teaches us to prefer the odd rather than the even. For instance, we sholah 5 times a day, zikir 33 times after each sholah, and Allah have 99 names. So, the reason of pitch 3 was based on the grounds of Islam, that propogated the idea of choosing the odd instead of even.

Yet, if i knew the exact geographical location of the pitch, i should have not overlooked the other pitches, in particular pitch 1 which is much closer to the main road. The lads were asphyxiate and flabbergasted after we had to go uphill and downhill in search of this mysterious field. To note, unlike St Wilfred which most of us are accustomed to, this tanglin area was rather mysterious, creepy and eccentric considering Singapore's standards in terms of cost and standard of living. For instance,

Hamlau: Eh, ini lampu ke lampu? macam zaman jepon ajer..tak betol kan ke?
Fahmi: hahahahahz...ini bukan lampu

The lampost, i should comment, is rather an unorthodox lampost that u could find itz Singapore! Itz rustiness and meager state of the steel only sums up itz conditions which i presumably assume unworkable by any means. After a mile of walking which most of us personified as walking through deserts or even tekong! considering the lack of water, Nas suddenly came up of a solution of visiting the church to get some holy water. St George Church to be presice. We are draining and dehydrating by this point in time, and finally settled in front of Yesterday's Spa and Cafe which Fahmi termed it after squinting his eyes in a hope to get a better view of the sign. We ended up with no man's lands, with houses located at the sides where some of us would juz love to lepak and rest for a while. Tahulah Melayu, kaki lepak!

We got moving again after Hamlau managed to get some directions from a man who probably doesnt visit the place for 20 years. Frankly the place was obnoxious and archaic. It belonged to the earlier generations of Singaporeans, where it could possibly be a vibrant place to have a kick around. In other words, the government of Singapore clearly overlooked this piece of land, as its developments is quite incongruous and incompatible with the development of Singapore itself. Possibly the govt wants to keep preserve this land as a heritage, to realise how our ancestors 40 years ago yearned and seethed through life just to play football!

Once we reached there whilst Salman, Fizy and Zul were killing time at Glenegales hospital, it was time where ants make rapid attacks on our legs and on Sapek's interior groin area! Tak nak cakap ajer..

Aneways, before i could prolong any form of suspense, team merah today was hammered 9-1 by a team whose soccer talents, tactics and technique are far superior than ours, although we are nearly one year apart. In fact, we should give credit to them for wonderfully displaying how soccer should be played. In fact, some of them were my ex-teammates from GUFC 2001 squad. It was nice to see them again, in particular Remy and Nizar. Esp Nizar cos his a much better player now than before.

My summary on our moves and attacking plays:

-Omar's shot just glimpsed the left post
-Omar made a 3-point play
-Fauzi and Ansar fell on their butt first while in a great position to score
-Hilman shot from 25 yards which ended in the back of the net and that proved to be a cracker to me
-Super Pippo miskicked in the 6 yards box ending up in the wrong goalpost
-Sapek aerial chested a ball(susah techniqe tu)
-Sapek manage to ole(padahal2)
-Ismael blind eye saves---His our Belacan Man of the Match

Credit should go to Ismael after he managed to protect the scoreline as low as possible. Ham kaki cacat then conceded 5 goals.

What's next for team merah? Frankly i felt like the worst footballer on this planet this very day. Truthfully, we are not prepared mentally and physically for such a game. After being abided by a cruel journey, we are not able to get our mindset settled and get on with the game. O well, being Malays, we should blame the journey, the corrupted field and the unfavourable conditions. Bt personally, i think we should blame ourselves, we are not good enough. In other words, we are just a skimpy and minute fish in an entire soccer ocean.

Once again, i would like to state, in my utmost humble manner, that my blog is for main discussions, paricularly the area of religion, political and social. These realms would only make up a humongous jigsaw puzzle of a world we are living in. Its a place where i invite discussions, and to debate on important matters pertaining to religious issues and political aspects. Frankly, i truly apperciate those who read my blog and gave constructive critiscm. Thanz yall! However, I knew, by evidence, that my blog is termed as deepshit or dalam, but i also knew that some of you out there loathe my blog. Well, i believe that it is hard to please every single one of you out there..so i dont give a.......you should know how to complete it...

Posted at » 11:07 PM Thursday, March 24, 2005
Uni quotas

To aduh,

Itz really tough for now to argue on yout point you just made. I need to construct a rather persuasive and eye-opening argument. hahahaz..Maybe esok, i shall elaborate on the matter!

Bukanlah nak mengaku kalah, kepala ngah jam ah!

Posted at » 11:40 PM
It finally came under critics!

Finally, everything has its ups and downs and my blogspot is no exception.

It has come under fire, from ma lil sis, who gives a rather an unwelcoming review about my blog. She explicitly states that my grammar has reached appaling rates, considering the amount of mistakes made per post. Well, ill be lying if im not saddened by the remarks she made, but i do welcome critcs, especially constructive ones. In any case, ma lil sis Ameera had make a ground breaking one, which i shall take serious consideration into it. Well, the significance is this. I dont mind any of you out there that criticise my blog--in other words, my blog should be looked at different aspects and perspectives. Discussions can be made if any of finds the points i made are incongruous and incompitable to your liking. THis is the world we are living in, "There is two sides two everything! If my Grammar is "berterabuh", then please say it! I really appericiate it. Thanz Amz, i shall be aware of everything that i post at my blog next time. =)

In any case, I had a sketchy discussion with her this morning about a statement i made in my post about the singapore soccer scene. Verily, i made a debatable statement with regards to the characteristics of hooligans in the ghettos of brazil and the natives of modern town singapore which sees little or no difference in terms of their behaviour and lifestyles.

Amz: But Ronaldinho is from some ghettos or slumps in Brazil!? *nak ronaldinho ajer*And now his a superstar! *my hero*

I have to agree totally on that. In the case of Ronaldinho, fortunately for him, his talent was scouted by the CBF and he was then brought to a place, totally isolated from these slumps and ghettos which might have serious undesirable consequence to his footballing talents. Yet, Singaporean footballers, unlike Ronaldinho, doesnt enjoy the luxury and nurture the Brazilian magician reaped whilst under the care and guidance of CBF. FAS, the sole governing soccer body here in Singapore, fails to realise the trap local lads are in. Considering Singapore's small geographical land size, 647km2 to be exact, it is inevitable that the local footballers are constantly exposed to gangsterism and many other elements of unhealthy habits. The recent example certainly gave the hypothesis some credits. It was the death of a highly-rated young national player, Sulaiman who was slayed whilst lingering outside Clarke Quay. Apparently, investigation had shown that Sulaiman was acutally the wrong individual the gangsters are looking for! It was a bit harsh for the local soccer climate to accept his death, in particuar the National u-18 team.

Yet, while the local scene moaned and took time off as a result of his death, things have to go on doesnt it? His death only shows the snobbish and lackluster discipline in the local youngsters and lads. I personally do not want to blame solely the death of Sulaiman to the FAS, but the local players too, without a doubt reflects a rather snobbish and lackluster attitude when it comes to be discipline and live as a true footballer. Well..i think i shant elaborate more on this, but Singapore football wont reach such world-class standards like those set by the Europeans as a result of an uncompatible mixture of a non-aggresive soccer body which are rather tame in handling young players and a bunch of aspiring football lads that priortised on clubbing, girls, money and cars which are usual when they reached their prime age of 23. Come to think of it, most of the local players are Malays..haiz, dah Melayu, melayu, jugak..tegor nanti..tersinggung karang..

Aneways, to horror movie lovers, eye 10 is a must watch. Dont ask! Just watch!

To my team merah. Esok 11.30 kat bedok! Considering kita orang melayu, so janji melayu, kira2 pukul 12 ah kita bergerak! line up, ill thinker later considering the presence of hilman and hon kin. Anyhow, kalau kita menang nasib, kalau kalah pon nasib...

You win you cry, you lose you cry!

Posted at » 11:30 PM Wednesday, March 23, 2005
25th March is Good Friday.

Yes the Vatican have clearly claimed in the yearly calendar of the Christians that 25th March would be the Good Friday. In any case, it's something broke the chain of religious days in the eyes of Muslims, Jews or Chrstians.

To note, the Muslims have their prayers on Friday, a congregation that aimed to bond the Muslims to Mosque to worship the God of Abraham, to realise their misdeeds and to propogate a more refined Muslims through the Kutbah which the Imam will so delicately deliver after the Azan.

For the Jews, Saturday would be their process of them enlightening their religion of Judaism. Verily so, Christians would fill the church to worship their Father, Holy Spirit and Jesus as being termed Son Of God.

Yet, the presence of Good Friday, along with some others like Easter, has come into question. Many would jump the bandwagon and took the simple step of neglecting the actual history of these two "important" days in the Chrisitian calender. Friday the 13th, a date being defined as ghostly or freaky, was actually derived from the actual happenings in early 7th century, where the Church or Vatican, took the en route of surpressing the templars or the crusades at such extensive and deliberate measures.

OK2..i shall check the history of Good Friday..i have no idea for now..

Aneways, back to Ansarinho's question, the team we are going to be up against is a team that ply their trade at some court in Bedok, and as i said earlier, a team which we have no means of measuring thier ability. My instincts seems to tell me that they are technically sound, backed up with an aura of footballing brains and tactics. According to Salman, they have the calibre of club players, and have relations to Kahfi, who is an ex-National captain, which simply sums up that they, in some ways, share similar footballing characteristics with Kahfi.

They are going to be tough to break down lads, but we do have enough quality to creep out with a win.

"We do continue to learn more"--Kristin Kreuk

Posted at » 10:40 PM Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Midsummer Night Dream

I know a bank where on the Wild thyme grows
Where Ox-lips and the nodding violet blows
Quite over canopied with Luscious woodbine
With sweet musk roses and eglantine
There sleeps the lovely Phamiao...


Posted at » 3:15 PM
the names of team merah

i was team salman tadi..we are still grinding our teeth after nothing is confirmed yet..No teams had utter the words " Yes, we can make it on 25th MarcH". The constant words we are receving are " Sorry we cant make it"...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....eh taklah marah, seronok!

Aneways, Salman was proposing to give our team a name. I laughed macam gila the next instance..I think Team MERAH is cool, it so literal..Imagine if we wear Yellow jerseys or Black..Then it would be Team Kuning or Team Hitam..hahz..Dah Melayu, Melayu jugak..
In any case, even the players have nicknames, which il state in the next para.

-Ismail aka Maelism, mayel yelam Tamil tigers
-Khidhir aka Sultan
-Azmi as Larjmi, Mimi the Booh, Azmi XL, Achemi
-Nas as Nasdinho, Nach and Ramu
-Syed as Saiudul Awallin
-Omar is Omar Ringgek
-Ansar as Ansarinho, Lee Ansar, General Ansar, Ansuar, Angsa, Angsana
-Kun is Kun Faya Kun
-Fauzi is Poji
-Ashafie infamously knows as Sapek or Chapek, Reyes, Crespo
-Ghani as Ghanina, Ghani Avente and Super Pippo which he disillussioned it himself
-Salman as Salman Khan
-Hamdani as Hamlau or Hamdonok
-Zul is Zul black

Do i miss anyone out? hahaz..i tink having nicks is cool..it creats a certain amount of bonding amongst the team itself, indirectly though..Racist jokes have also become part of the team, sakit hati but kelakar ah kutuk each other's race..

Posted at » 2:59 PM
A dog-eat-dog world

The two main Universities in Singapore, NUS and NTU had just made a vibrant and successful open house over the past few weeks. I should say credit must be given to both Universities for the attractions they carved to invite people, the elites i suppose, to their open house. But in any case, I think NTU have the edge now after enagaging with Perfect 10 98.7FM in what seems to be a collaboration that seem to benefit almost all the parties invovled including the radio listeners.

Yet Open houses, is just a superficial way of knowing a school and in this matter---NUS and NTU. Verily I suppose, those aspiring JC students would have flocked to these 2 open houses in a hope to a catch a glimmer of their "future" school. Pardon me here, I am not undermining the calibre and traditionally upper-classed bunch of students, but I am pointing out to the harsh reality we, in particular, the Malays are facing.

There are many hidden agendas in this well-governed country of Singapore. Yet, when Malay was made the national language after being granted Independance by the Federal Governement in KL, the language itself has played little or no significance in the realm of politics, economic and social aspects here in Singapore. The supposed national tongue, was made second language in the form of Mother tongue which 70% of students loathe it when they reached higher levels. In fact, efforts have been made to prosper the language of Mandarin through ads and campaigns islandwide.

But, this is not to say that Malay is not a celebrated language here in Singapore. Nonetheless, on each year, a month was reserved to be Bulan Bahasa which, i must deliberately emphasised, is rather a tame effort by the government. Such unprecedented events, are only being participated by students in particular embracing the Malay Elective Programme(MLEP) which is only offered by Tampines Juniour College. Hey, i am not promoting my school here but those in the stream of MLAO or MLA are deprived of such privilages. It is, in other words, organising events like Bulan Bahasa specially reserved for the "elites". Yes, the Berita Harian do promote events Islanwide such as launch of books and dictionaries, (KAMUS NUSANTARA was launched last year during Bulan Bahasa), story telling at libraries but sadly, attendance have been at appalingly low rates. In fact, the people of the race themselves are not bothered by such activities.

Efforts have already been made to surpress the beautiful language of Malay itself. The recent university criterion had already dismissed the usage of MT for entry in local universities. More importantly, one can in fact can afford to fail or obtain a D7, which is the bare minimum to enter local universities. Why is this so? It's simple, Chinese is extensively a tough language to learn.

But why? Here you are in Singapore, with Malay language being painted as National Language in National Education boards, but you have the option of screwing it up because you need to strike a balance with other races. The French, for instance, are extremely proud of their language. If you happen to be in France and speak English with them, the "universal language", then i believe you will either get hammered by the Monseiurs or you are saying your last prayers in English. Why the Malays cant take pride in something they have close relations with? Their language!

Back to the original topic itself, ok2...visiting the university open houses is in fact a useful act, wise i supposed because it gives you an idea what requirments are needed, the course syllabus, the FEES and many more. Yet, as i have state earlier, it's just a superficial act. You are only scratching the surface of what seems to be a deep and intriguing journey that awaits you in Uni life. At the end of it, if you walked out of the Open house, and you made up your mind of going there, it is not just a matter of saying it, you need to work extremely hard. You need the drive, determination to go along with your hopes and aspirations, but you Malays out there, can you really achieve it after visiting such Open houses. It takes a tall order to be in there, and please dont joke that the only time you're in NUS and NTU is during their open houses, instead of being an undergraduate there. Please do work hard, as the Unis here do set quotas for the entry of Malay students every year. Its like in the Export-Import trade you see. For example, every year, they set a number of Malay students that are allowed to enter their Unis..and their cant be excessive number of Malays as it could only lead to Unfavorable Balance of Trade, viewed in purely economic terms. This could in turn leads to Balance of Payment Disequilibrium and thus, some Malays, which considerably obtain ok2 result are deprived of their places in the Unis.

So, for those of you who have visited the Universities, please make it a point to make it there again next time, as an undergraduate. I shall pray for all of you to be a successful group of people.

Anak alaf tiga...Generasi terakhir manusia~

Posted at » 2:40 PM
Sacred Feminine and feminism

Sacred Feminine refers to the female aspect of the spiritual which when united with its male counterpart results in perfect harmony.

In other words, the definition of sacred feminine verily links us to the procession of Hermes Gamos--the sexual unison or defined within the parameters of paganists, contact with their "God". Well, superficially, Hermes Gamos do share similar characterisitics with Karma Sutra, the Hindu form of praying but with regards to religious sensitivity, i shall not elaborate on this.
Hollywood, have made attempts to potray the procession itself, but failed to propogate in its actual forms and dyanamics. Such film include Eyes Wide Shut. (Rabak Wai)

In any case, sacred feminine is much related to Paganism, the worship of the unconqured Sun, Sol Invictus. In other words, sacred feminine is part of Sol invictus.

Early Chrisitainity often dubbed the absence of feminism though comments have been made that Jesus himself was the original feminist, viewing purely from religous history. As what my earlier blog that states my doubts on the presence of Jesus as the Son of God, Father and the Holy spirit, a conspiracy grows in the spiritual balance of the religion itself--the argue for recognition of sacred feminine itself. Is Christianity in fact, promotes feminist? Accessing the Malles Maleficarum, that is the witches's hammer, which indoctrinated the laity on the dangers of free-thinking women and instructed the clergy on how to torture and destroy such witches- tht were deemed to include all demale scholars and priestesses. For instance, mid-weives were killed for their skill and knowledge in easing the pain of child-birth, in which it has relations to the suffering of God's punishment for Eve's partaking of the Apple of Knowledge, a transgression that gave rise to Original SIn. During 300 yers of witch hunt, " the Church burnt at the stake an astounding five woman million".

Moreover, pre-Muslim Arab---the reign of Arab Jahilliyah , who embrace on godless torsos or paganism, had extensive evidence of women being killed or supressed. For example, if 2 baby girls are born, either one have to be buried alive. If only one baby girl is delivered, it seems that there is no option but to bury her alive.

To digress meself from this topic, even Chinese, at a particular period of time, were not contented to having baby girls. They do felt that the presence of boys in the family would be a form of blessing to them. Girls, were rather the "sway" sex, viewed in Chinese customs and traditions. The Chinese is without a doubt a hardworking race, possibly could be a prime example to the Malays!!!, but with a girl in their family, it is rather tough and takes a tall order for a girl to support the family or even run the family bussiness. Putting it that way, itz not to say the Chinese are "kiasu", itz juz that they are a bunch of idealist people, with high expectations.

Back to the original topic itself, the Christians might argue the presence of the Virgin Mary "Mother of God" to bring the feminine climate in Christianity godhead, but such aspect only appeared as a lackluster combinationas there is no full partnership and entirely lacks that element of Eros---the Greek god of Erotic love, in which the feminine and masculine most intimately meet.

Thus, this brings the proposition of a conspiracy theory amongst Christian scholars and religous scholars worldwide, on whether Constantine, during his residence as the Roman emperor had in fact placed Mary Magadelene as "Christianity's lost bride". In fact, during the actual procession of making Jesus the Son of God (nau zubillah min zallik) in the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, Constantine the Great, as he was termed, had "borrowed" elements from his actual religion of paganism, Sol Invictus. This includes the Egyptian Sun Discs that became the halos ofCatholic saints, while Isis suckling Horus became an iconic image of Mary and Jesus. Virutally all elements of Catholic ritual were taken from earlier pagan mystery religions. Mithras, an ancient Egypitan God, was called the Son of God and Light of the World was then inexplicably being replaced by Jesus. Besides, Mithras was born on 25th Dec, a date shared with Osiris, Adonis and Dionysus, where Christianity mysteriously turned it into Jesus birthday. Hence, when u look at the actual symbol of Christmas, it X'mas. The subtle presence of X simply defines the unexisting and demonising history of X'mas.

Well, during a hearing at Siglap Mosque by an ex-Nun from Indonesia, she deliberately states that "Christianity is a Pte. Ltd religion". They need to sell thier religion, as the meaning of Catholic itself is universal and all-embracing. In fact, the underlying factor Constantine turns Jesus into "God"(nau zubillah min zalik) was the fact he saw an oppotunity to unify and strengthen the Roman empire, seized all for the purpose of expanding their political power. Thus, a Euro-Christian civilisation was born with its seed generating from the Vatican City, Rome. King James, under his reign, published the King James Bible in 1611, and till today, remains the number 1 bestseller Bible. *The Bible have 61 versions after its original( Old testament produced by the Council of Nicaea) version, in Latin, was finally granted the permission to be translated in other languages* It was because of this that a vaccumm was created for Britain to reside as the "Ruling State of the World".

Based on Christianity and Judaism( since the one emerged from the other), mankind is now subjected to the rule of European civilisation. That is something absoulutely unique in human history. The European system of secular nations eventually produced a novel of international political institution called the flawed League of Nations and then the resurrected as the United Nations. In the name itself, "United Nations", was enshrined the goal of the New World Order created by Europe which sole "hidden" purpose was to unite the world under European political influence and control so that Europe could ecventually rule the world as world government. Political power, as what Constantine initial quest in creating Christianity, was already on the verge of a complete success by his successors.

"Western Civilisation is aiming at nothing less than the incorporation of all of mankind in a single great society and the control of everything in the earth, air and sea..."

(Ibid p166)

Hitler took this opportunity, but his Nazi comrades was rather radical in the eyes of mankind as he based his grounds on the purification of the Aryan race, where Jews in partiucular are discriminated.

Yet, the main question of sacred feminism is not answer yet. Is Mary Magadelene, Jesus wife? Is there a Quranic explanaiton for this!?? Does Mary Magadelene, really exist or Mary is just an icon Constantine created during his reign!? I shall continue on my next blog as there is some research to be done based on Biblical and Quranic evidence. For now, i shall leave you with this to ponder.

Prophet Muhamaad sallahualihi wassalam(P.b.u.H) have reminded us that the Jews and Christians, with the help of Satan, will keep steering us away from the Truth till the very last Hour.

THeir latest act was a Friday Shollah led by a women, which only invites critics from main Muslim bodies worldwide.

Posted at » 1:39 AM Monday, March 21, 2005
Midsummer's Fahmi dream

I know a blank where the wild thyme blows
Where Ox-lips and the nodding violet grows
Quite over canopied with luscious woodbine
With sweet musk rose and with eglantine,
There sleeps the lovely Pahmiao..


Posted at » 10:59 PM
The Future that awaits..

I had a chat with Mai, kawanku dari London, and we apparently shares the same dream. Both of us badly and desperately needs to go to Imperial College of London. Ok2, there've been a change of tone here. ahahahz..firstly, itz only a dream..but then, the climate change by the use of words "badly" and "desperately"....

Isit a neccesity to go overseas University? I was checking the college's website and they state formally that the fees required for my course is 13,500 pounds sterling and when convereted to local currency adds up to S$40500. Holy, and that is only the tuition fees. Abih kat sana takkan nak puasa kan hari2? Being a huge fan of food, i think my expenditure on food could add up to S$3650 per annum. Haiz, in other words..pakcik kira sajer...mahal nya but once you obtain a Bachelor of Science or Masters from Imperial, it would be so markatable that firms are competing to get you instead of you finding the right job.

"If you believe everything you read, then dont."--Japanese proverb

Posted at » 6:48 PM Sunday, March 20, 2005
Tennis! The Gentleman's Game..

One of the main pros of the tennis game is that one never makes oontact with the opponent. It's an absolute, yes! Finally, one cant debate me on this. It's confirmed, the hypothesis of no contact in tennis.

Ok, the reason im saying this is that there was a mini-brawl yest while i was playing soccer wif me fellow lads. My team, made of Mayel between the posts, sapek(fauzi 62nd min), chengwei and his friend reached a point where we colonised and terrorised the court by continous winning streaks.

Then came this team, thy shall not mention who. It was in fact an intensed game, with both teams gunning and hungry for victory to keep their feet within the court itself. But, like many other games, CONTACT was made between two, i should exaggerate, well-build gentlemans. From my position, it was obviously maximum contact where shoulders were boulded amongst each other and bodies shoved in order to win the ball. Every inch of muscle and every piece of energy were devoted to that 2s tangle between the two, well that i suppose. Let's juz name the two characters Ajax and Valencia, with Ajax being my team mate. I was flabbergasted after a series of matches and was asking for a substituiton when the unthinkable happened.

In what seems to be a friendly match, ironically filled with building tensions, Ajax, like many great wrestlers, belly flipped Valencia to the ground. Awkward silence broke out, and the 2, staggered in a conversation with it being the centre attraction.

Ajax: Hey, you think i scared of you ah?
Valencia: But i kick the ball what?

Crux of the matter is this. How can Singapore soccer closed the gap with the rest of the world when even it's social form of soccer as mentioned above, has elements of violence in it? How can we produce Ronaldinhos, Eto'os, or even Robben's when inspiring lads like Ansarinho and Super Pippo Avente, Sapek and Nasdinho are traumatised by such incidents. *evil laugh*

Soccer is about having fun, whilst others like Nike in particular, builds on the notion of soccer is about money. Their latest campaign, based on the grounds of racism, and the 2 baller IDs which bear Stand Up Speak Up, seems inappropriate and cant be applied in SEA soccer scene. Social football, sadly, has no forms of protectionism in it. If , in any case you twist your ankles or tear your hamstring, you have to pay it yourself when you visit the clinics. And worst case scenario, is when u engage yourself in a brawl, and you physically, mentally and emotionally hurt by other parties as a result of soccer itself, the FAS aint gonna intervene in that matter or motivate you to continue playing because fact is: It is none of their freaking bussiness. So how can one Stand Up and Speak Up when one is being threathend, while at the same time playing and in contact with his "enemy".

This is the social etiqutte SIngaporeans are living in. If not for the fact that Singapore has shifted from butter trade to an industrial intensive and knowledge based economy, we might just create slumps and ghettos in certain parts of Singapore. Well, we may not live in ghettos or slumps but the characteristics of the indigenous natives in well-developed towns in Singapore are considerably no better than those in the present day back alleys or ghettos in Latin America.

Singapore soccer, i shall deeply elaborate, would not make any progress in the near future. The recent triumph of the Tiger Cup was pure luck for me, not forgetting the fact the Singapore team recruited 3 foreigners in the lights of Bennet, Agu and Itimi. It was a tournament, designated not to crave the best out of SEA soccer, but rather to display an obnoxious and disarray performances by the countries involved. Sadly, when the Singapore team took to the field at the final, they adopted a meek defensive option whilst the Indonesians kept whining and moaning for a goal. Well, indra scored but, looking back at it, the Indonesians aimed at coming out strong but something seemed to held them back. But, its all over now, with the Singapore clubs plying their trade in the Asians' Champions League. Ze Roberto once said that if you're playing for a club in England, you gotta play like them, if not you aint gonna win anything. As for my case, I am playing in Germany and I have to adopt to German tactics and strategies.

Come to think of it, is there a Singaporean brand of football? Well, at the back of my head says gangsterism and violence, glittering on the outside and shallow on the inside. One brand you can relate to Singapore soccer though, TIGER BEER! muahhaahha...

OK now, back to tennis. Amz wants some enlightement on Tennis and here it is.

But first, Amz, imagine you and Ronaldinho are in a tennis game. You are playing against him. hahaz..The scenario: He serves, but you managed to score a point during his serve. That's a break point. Alternatively, you serves but Ronaldinho gets a point while you serve. That's a break too. The idea of a break point is that, theoratically, when one serves, he or she should be on the offensive and the probability of scoring is higher. Serving is also an integral part of the game, where players like Andy Roddick only knows how to score with aces and nothing else.

An advantage occurs when there's deuce: 40-40. And when a player gets a point in that situation after a serve, its adv for him. Its the same like saying 50-40 but i think the whites are more comfortable with saying adv. If u and Ronaldinho are tied 40-40(deuce situn here), and you score, they say advantage Ameera. I think such phrases do psyched you up and with the crowd behind you, chances are you might juz win the point. Imagine the umpire says, disadv ronaldinho...hahahaz

tapi pak kita anak muda! Ada cita rasa tersendiri!
tapi tok, sampai bila mahu jadi gini!
tapi mak, kerana ibu peritwi, maka tercetus revolusi ini!


Posted at » 5:53 PM Saturday, March 19, 2005
Sorry lads

The blog below is blank, blind and wounded. yeey!

Posted at » 4:31 AM

Posted at » 4:27 AM
Manifestasi memanifestkan lagu Kopi Dangut!

Glimpsed thru ma lil sis nya blog, Ameera, and guess what, she's so in love with KOPI DANGDUT!!!!!!!!!! o my, power seh orang singapura!

hahahaz..o well, she let me listen to bonanza belly dancer and i fell in love with it and i let her listen to Kopi dangdut and she more than juz fall in love with it. O well, ahahz, tak nak cakap ajer..

Told her that manifestasi 04, the dk guys perform Kopi dangdut, with me being the kepala dang......Weeeeeeeee. itz the bomb lah, everyone( i gez eh) love it...hehez..

OK2, this is the lyrics which is probably one of the easiest i wrote among the Manifestasi Dk songs for guys, but emphatically, Tukang karut, hafiz had a time remembering it...

Melayu baru tak kenal erti budaya..
Dianggap ia sebagai illusi saja..
Kalau ditanya ulek mayang itu apa..
Jawapnya entah...tapi dengarlah irama KOPI DANGUT!

Irama KOPI dANgdut nan ceria
Membuat hati rasa gembira
Membuat aku lupa kepada kisah yang telah lalu..

Amz, instead of sha la sha lalalalal..i end it wif a solo yayaya...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a stupid violin ragam!
ekek seh..no worries, u get the cd somwhere next wk..i told my friend im collecting it on monday..hahahz..

haiz, on a more moderate tone..tadi main bola with the 5 of us..me mael pahmio largmi and nach inevitably had a great series of runs, winning most of our games..Mael was ok todae, fahmi i gez lost his touch..nach was ok i gez, and larjmi, can see that yest he did sthg last nite b4 he went to bed last nite. Mi, asal kau penat sak tadi?? buat apa ah semalam??

aneway, wen the 5 of us met, we all indirectly kutuk azmi cos takda orang kat street soccer...lengang habis seh...hahaz...bt then some troops flocked in, summing to 3 teams in the end..bt once again Nas and azmi engage in one of their classic kutuk mengetuk

NAS: Mi, kau dahlah tipu aku masok NP, abang sedara kau nak ambik lah..haiz, tipah tertipu bang..

Azmi: Sudahlah NAs, dulu dah lah fail english, kat siglap bukannya nak belajar

hahahz...kekek seh kalau dua ni gaduh...bt at the end of the it, nas said i play soccer macam joget makyong...hahaz..azmi dahlah penari zapin, dasyat tu kalau dia buka joget zapin, apa lagi joget zapin..

and tomoro, i shall grace my the tamp court again..with other fellow lads..

ok i shall stop now! dah malam seh..

Julia: Tapi hatiku sudah lama terpaut denganmu Awang! (then she leaves)

this is the punch line the one scene i manufactured for manifestasi 04..awang fell for this line..will the one girl do when i said this? hehehez...

Posted at » 1:27 AM Friday, March 18, 2005

The actual origins was not born during the period of World War II, where Japanese airplanes or fighter jets swooshed their planes into the prime and prominent US millitary ships and vessels. (Urgh..i forgot the names)

Well, the name kamikaze is in fact a typhoon, that intervened during the 1500s that miraculously saved the isolated and discreet Japanese from invasion and annexation in the hands of the Mongols.

The typhoon, termed as "kamikaze" by the Japanese, swept away hundreds of ships that were approaching coastal Japan. It was the works of nature that in fact saved Japan from the feasible invasion in the form of the Mongols!

Julia: Awang, seni adalah rasa hati seorang seniman setelah ia berkontak dengan kepada keindahan yang ada dengan sekelilingnya. Dan seni yang setinggi-tingginya adalah apabila telah berkumpul di dalam nya keadilan, keindahan yang dipaterikan dengan cinta yang kudus..

Awang: Takkan hidupmu mahu bermatakan rantai dari keluhan? Seni tarimu adalah murah dari segi etika dan maruah. Aku rela melawan kehendak nafsuku yang menghala kepada keburukan dan sanngup aku melawan kenhendak nafsu yang lalai dari keburukan. Bukan sahaja aku mengatakan kata-kata ini dengan lidahku, tetapi diikitikadkan dengan hati sanubariku.

Yeey, does love really needs persuasion? Awang doesnt like Julia being a dancer, but Julia falls in love with Awang due to his strong prinsips. Told you, love is abstract!

Posted at » 11:58 PM
Haiz, penat ji!

I gez today was probably one of the most tiring days in my 19 years on this earth...

Haiz, since it a Friday, the Muslims would then grace the mosques islandwide to pray Sholat Jummat. Im not sure if any of you had listen to this but one of my friends told me a weird yet believable story during one of Friday prayers.

Ok, it goes like this: One day, a man dressed up as a terrorist went to a mosque who are about to perform their duty to God( Friday prayer). Then he shouted: "Any one of you willing to sacrifice yourself in the name of Allah?! as he raised his gun. I predict it could be an AK-47.

Guess what! 90% of the jemmah(muslims left) and it was estimated only 2 safs were left after that! Then, the man who had juz terrorised almost the entire mosque told the Imam: You may continue now, for those who are true Muslims shall fight and sacrifce themselves in the name of Allah and Islam. He undressed his mask and it was a fruitful prayer indeed!

Well, this story boils down to a question that keep popping in my mind? Is religion, between and within its dimensions, promotes violence or isit grounding its followers to protect human security? We do hear the ever resounding religionist that declares their commitment to peace and claim that religoion can bring about a more peaceful world.

Nowadays, many religions tends to promote inter religious co-operation aimed at a guaranteeing a secure present life for all humans. Yet, in contrast to reality, such claims to be myopic and flawed if actual European history is clearly examined and accesed. The Europeans, since their establishement of modern secular civilisation, clearly divided the world into 2 parts. Communist vs democracy. It's clearly shown that the framework of these 2 political system are entirely different, with its implicaton on economic, social, religious and political issues became the order of the day. During the period of the Cold War, the world had been the main audience viewing the US and the USSR promoting and "selling their political systems with each coutry became its customer.

Well, to expect all non-western societies to follow the eg of western civilisation in secularising themeselves is also a rather naive belief, propogated by the fundamentalists of their western secular democracy. With the end of the Cold War, one version of this alt secular religion, the Marxist-Stalinist states lost power(but not entirely), but the neo-liberal version stressing universal liberism now prospers under the hegemony of the United States, making them the ruling state of the world, allowing themselves to practise their main assimilations of their forefathers, in the name of Benjamin Franklin, Roosevelt(and the list go on), Equality Fraternity and Liberty.

In such circumstances, it does inspire the French in their for French revolution, and US and French forged quite an alliance with the French granting one of the most recognised monuments in the world to the Americans, the Statue of Liberty after the US had intervened in the 100 years Anglo-French conflict which ended in a sweet French victroy!

Yet, this is not to say that the victorious US had, in thier hands, stop any religous conflict all over the world. In fact, here i am proposing this simplistic picture of communinst and democrats and take a more complex approach, distinguishing among the difft socio-cultural realities which are loosely grouped together under the label of religion, ignoring the differences and tensions which exists among them.( Dalam ni...)

Unfortunately, wars and conflict do occur, yet one have to be reminded that such events does have a beginning an ending. The death of Lenin in 1924 saw the reign of communist for another 63 years later after the fall of the berlin wall. Hitler, whose initial concrete dream boasted the reign of his NAZI for 1000 years, only solidified for a period of 12 years after the end of World War II. Hence, with the help of carefully drawn international legal instruments define the rights and obligations of belligerent and neutral parties in inter-state wars. In the case of domestic conflict, where racism prevailed as a result of Social Darwinist theory, humanitarian law and human rights law tries to protect the security of the civilian population, the members of armed forces and guerillas though not "terrorist". The beginning and end of these conflicts are blurred in an endemic state of insecurity. Thus, the question of religiosity, among many others, somehow undermined its role and power in this world, where religon have yet deteroriate in a godless European civilisation, where the embracing religion have somehow played really a minor part in one's life.

We must thus look at the historical-structural dynamis of each religion. Perhaps the 3 main religion: Islam, Christianity and Judaism( Jews) which purely based on stats, have the most number of followers. In all periods of human history, either ancient or modern, different type of religiosity supported the formation of difft sets of security communities, with varying forms of interaction, conflict and co-operation among them. Their impact on the communities was determined not by the religion as such, but by their interactions with political power groups, whose interests, whose interest determined the intepretation of their creed, the performance of their rituals and the models of good practices. Roman catholic originated from Rome, with one of its Roman emperor( alamak lupa ah), presided the Council of Nicazea, which eventually establish Chrisitianity along with the help of their religous scholars, became a religion that longed believe the power of Jesus Christ, the Father and the Holy Ghost although some elementary dyanamics of Christians had been influenced by ancient Egyptian religion and Paganism with the cross, being one of the ultimate sign of the Christian, was in fact derived from ancient Egyptian religion. Pagans, particularly in British, were suprressed under the period of prosperity and decadence, fervour and moderation of Christianity.

Thus, the different historico-structural complex systems of each religion, or within each religion in fact!( pls check my earlier blog on BLOODY MARY!), had in fact led to the complex modes of interaction between religions, which involve syncretism, debates, reciprocal influences, tensions, mutual denigration and even violent hostilities. For instance, the Palestinians, who were drived out of their homeland by the Jews in Jerusalem, the continous Muslim vs Chrisitian conflict in Indonesia.

It is within such complex interaction between security communities and inter-religious trends and strucutes that we can realistically address the question of whether religons are for or against human security.

"Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet( sallahu 'alahi wa sallam) said: Black Banners shall emerge from Khorasan( i.e an area which is now included in Afghanistan, Pakistan and a little in Iran and Central Asia) and no force will be able to stop them until they are inserted in Aelia( Jerusalem)."

(Sunan Tirmidhi)

Posted at » 7:33 AM Thursday, March 17, 2005

Just got rejected by a team on 25ht March. Urgh, but i need to keep my spirits up.
Still in a hunt for a team that could possibly battle with us neck to neck, skill with skill..Bt everyone, i suppose, is waiting for the debut of Hamlau, whose leg have been screwed, literally.

O well, let's hope he makes a great return, and in a hope to inspire and rejuvenate the team in case we are losing halfway thru the game. (padahal)

On more important note, si Ghani nak main mana? Forword atau defender..i rather have him with me at the back because his a great tackler and a man marker. Well, i gez Juventus supporters are like that, it juz flows in the blood. I mean Juventus is nowhere near a fair play team.

Discussing with pahmiao now, nak training ke tak nak. Im not sure if its history repeats itself but we did actually train before our memorable triumph 5-4 against Chengwei's team. hahahhaha..Si pahmiao suggest 24th but i guess its too risky for that. Takot nanti kaki terpeleot lagi. Bt sadly, ANSARINHO and AZMI MAGNIFICO would not be making their presence on that very day...what a miss to these two lads who had been a great servant and been an integral part of the TEAM MERAH. tears rolling down..but without them, i suppose we should TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL!

And with every single aspect covered in the front, it is now up to Ishmael to fulfil his invincible ability between the posts, to stop thy enemies shot's into the demon's hole.
A simple solution would be to place the girl( out of our league) ahemz!! and i swear it would boost the moral of the whole team.

GEt Ishamel a hp. Please donate to 1800-MAELISM-H^^P!

Posted at » 8:44 PM
Jerusalem In the Quran

Jerusalem In the Quran.. A must read to all interested in religious histroy and the future happenings, events and the saga at the "Last Hour".

In any case, we are already living the Last Hour!! A period where a day like a week. Forgive me if i made some mistake here.

Muhammad s.a.w( p.b.u.h) has prophecised in Ahadith that once the Dajjal, the false Messiah( al-masih al dajjal) is released into the world, he would live for forty days. Day One would be a day like a year. Day 2 would be a day like a month, Day 3 would be a day like a week and the so on would be the rest of our normal days.

If most of u were not aware of this, please take note that the dajjal with the Gog and Magog had already been released onto the face of this earth!!!!!!! How? When? Why?

Yes, they are already sharing the same space as us, breathing the same air as us, but im not really sure what they really consume. The balance of power in Europe, was only made possible by the pioneers of Industrial Revolution, the British. They were the once Ruling State of the World, monopolising the world economy, annexing territories which eventually resulted in the Commonwealth of the British colonies( gez wad..Singapore is once a crown colony in SEA!! hahaz)..The pound sterling is once the world currency, and every currency is subjected to its inflation and deflation. It was during this period that we are living in a DAY LIKE A YEAR.

Yet, the balance of power in the Europe had been upset with the World War I and World War II which had significantly drained British resources, output and industrial production. The British thus relied heavily on the US for food, clothing and ammunition. This vacuum created by the British led the US to be the new Ruling State of the World. Its atomic bombs, which inevitably destroyed and carved a horredous aftermath in the 2 beautiful cities in JAPAN, was second to none in other countries. It was during the shift of power that the world is a DAY LIKE A MONTH.

The establishement of the state of Israel in 1948, which Allah have destroyed 2000 years ago was one of the few major venue(Jerusalem) that the world would eventually view at the last hour. Jews, as all of you have been informed, are scattered on the face of this earth. Originated from Babylon, present day Iraq, the Jews had faced scythe-like and swift attacks from the Babylonian army which forced them to move to Egypt. There they met the impregnable Roman forces which again drive them out of the land of the Pyramids. The funny thing is that they didnt see Hitler coming to haunt them...hahaz, thanz to hitler, who based his prinsips on the purification of the Aryan race, the Jews have to flee again all over the world to rescue their lives from the infamous Holocaust!

World War III is coming, with one of its most obvious sign is the collapse is the US economy. Again, the very last hour would saw the rise of a Muslim army, hailed from the lands of Afghanistan. Surprised? Dont be, it would not be an army from the lands of the Arabs that we would see the eventual triumph of Islam at the last hour. Its gonna be the Afghans, for Allah has choose them to destroy the Jews in Jerusalem, where they, the Jews, shall face the utmost brutal divine punishment. Any surprises why OSAMA is hiding in the scraps of the Afghanistan's caves or mountains? Nays to those CIA and FBI, whom till this day, had limited or no knowledge of the whereabouts of this Holy Man.

Judgment day is coming..its haunting, with some major signs had occured. For instance, the recent Tsunami disaster in Aceh. Well, its not only Aceh that suffered from the catastrophic event, in fact, other countries like Sri lanka, India, Thailand, Somalia and Pulau Pinang had to face bits and pieces of the sudden tsunami attack.

In any case, there would be 3 major earthquakes at 3 major continents. The EAst, the West and at the Middle East. The East had just witnessed one, whilst the other 2 lands are juz waiting for their fate.
-The Sea of Galilee, shall bear no water.
-The date-palm trees of Baysan shall bear no fruit,
-the lake of Tabariyyah shall bear no water
-the spring of Zughar shall bear no water.

This is dajjal's promise, when the criterion above had been fulfilled that he will make his presence felt on this earh. Well, he is already on this earth, itz juz a matter of time before him being freed from his tied up chain. Surprisingly, the British housed or hosted the chained Dajjal. Oh no Mai, kat sana jaga diri baik2 eh!!!?? Dajjal is somewhere in Britain..Tak seram ka?

Are we now living in a DAY LIKE A WEEK??

Frankly, time is now moving swiftly, with a week now makes a day. Its so weird..pejam celik pejam celik dah hari baru...Wallahualam

Posted at » 2:14 PM

Yang itu Dian Sastrowojoyo, star of Ada Apa Dengan Cinta. Si rangga, her co-star, is a very cute guy, after conducting surveys with my frens. But one thing in common though, me n rangga rambut kerinting..hahaz...

She's so freaking hot..Nak kata apa kan..Dah indonesian kan, voi..Aloha..Aleh Va Va Va~!

SIapa nak jawab? Kalau Sapek kata, she's in her league of her own.

Nak kata apa kan, dah power. Well, i cant really deny that but i have a point to put across here.

Feminism, isit a Western misconception till it had massive influence on the woman on the eastside of the earth--- The rather cultured and sophisicated group of woman

Yeah, fight for woman's rights. WE WANT MORE! WE WANT MORE! WE WANT TO BE INDEPENDANt(eg FINANCIALLY, STATUS) and the list go on.

O wells, fight but you cant lead. But one thing is for sure tho, a pretty woman, with a personality and some qualities can be a deadly combination, dangerous. I have this eerie feeling that they can be better than man, can easy pin down any obstacle that came to bump in their quest for ultimate liberty.

Posted at » 12:33 PM

Ok..the Christians claimed that there is one God----God himself, the Holy Ghost and Son Of God. The Holy Trinity, as what ive typed above is One God. But what i actually counted is 3..

Let me count again using Mathematics at its finest

-Holy Ghost
-Son Of God( Jesus Christ)

It's 1+1+1=3..but they claim there is 1 God.

Tipah tertipu bang, macam mana ni?

But fellow Muslims, please keep ur faith strong. There is bound to be other religons in the world. Its impossible to have each and every earthling on this piece of world to be a Muslim,

It has already been stated in the Koran Surah Kaffirun..Thy religion and thou religion. Thy shall tolerate and there shall be no hatred.

Posted at » 12:04 AM Wednesday, March 16, 2005
The debut that has longed bestwoed upon me..=)

Very well then my fellow lads..Pretty much quite a roller coaster ride between these few months me lads..So, with all the rightenouss and abilities i have within my limits, i shall now annouce me debut upon these cyber world most of my fellow earth mates have colonised few years ago...Im looking forword to blog, to spill any single element that cross or bestowed upon me, my past, my deep yet shallowy thoughts and many more aspects that i would like to share with U..Till then, i shall pray for all of u mates, for all of u will neither fear nor grieve in this hectic and hefty piece of world we are living in i should say..

To my fellow mates(team merah)..please be reminded that our skills shall be tested upon enemies that we have no means of measuring thier ability..Fear not me lads, for we shall capture yet another sweet and memorable victory on neutral soil!..25th march..Tanglin..the field is secured..

A day like a year...a day like a week...a day like a month..

Posted at » 8:18 PM
Bloody Mary

I always thought that Bloody Mary was the Mary that can be found in the Koran, the Old and New Testaments and some other relevant religious scriputres by the main religions in the World.

Well, my prediction is wrong. My initial thought was that Bloody Mary, a mixture of vodka and tomato juice, is a peculiar sign of anti-christ, potrayed in the form of a drink rather than in a revoultion or anti-Christ sentiments like being displayed by the Satanic group.

Ok! haha for me. I checked the actual history now..Mary was in fact the Queen of England(1508-I forgot)..An extremely loathed Queen and at a time where Protestant movements were rampant and continous supression suffered by the catholics, England was literally divided into two blocks. MOre importantly, it was the beginning of the creation of the Anglican Church and the fundamentals of Protestant. Civil war broke out, prominently based on religious grounds and such circumstances saw extreme brutatlity, deaths and widespread suffering. Probably more brutal than the word itself, thus the word bloody manifest in the most oblivious manner.

THe Queen not only failed to handle the prevailing religious issues in England, she was also termed headless torsos as no one would ever listen to her. Under her reign, many was sacrificed. It was until the reign of Queen Elizabeth I that religion was given a priority and thus, religious issues are discarded in the utmost tolerance.

No one, can forget Mary, how bloody can she get!!??

Posted at » 11:43 AM
Life is like a box of chocolates....

The notion of who we are is who we were!

On a personal level, it is to say that the history shape us, the features and routines of our ancestors, practices and traditions, emphatically define what we manifest ourselves today..

Well, if i touch about the Malays..a seemingly progressive yet backward race. For one, the malays themselves are being termed the natives or indigenous people here in the Southeast Asian region, or possibly known as the Annamites, their rather more biological and scientific term. The Berita Harian themselves have potrayed a series of Forum articles regarding "Melayu Ghaib", and one of the most interesting part of the series is that early British historical records, considering the very fact that they are our colonial masters, have particularly singled out the lifestyles of the Malays, and it came at no surprise.

It clearly wrote the Malays, are rather the relaxed, to put it in a positve manner, and considered to be at the root bottom in the international social hierachy the English have ever come across. Ok, my point is this. The British came here to annex their land, and what the resistance they met could not be greeted any more positive. Contradisticntion to the fierce and brutal resistance met by the British in India, Myanmar, Nepal and South africa, it was particularly a deal any British governer could seal. The Sultan was money driven, whilst at the same time failed to adhere to the changes of the world, which was already greeted by the Westernised region during the period of the Renaisaance and Industrial Revolution. The "rakyat", shall i emphaised, adopt a more than juz lepak lifestyle. They never strive for more. The Malays, whose relations with nature had already shown solid evidence, were rather happy and felt blessed with what they have. They rather sit, sleep, eat and just watch the world change, with no drive or intentions to catch up other races.

Sadly, this legacy continues till today. The Malays, have nothing..absouletly zero to be proud of. If their literature were to be a main source of pride, other languages do have a complex and monolithic forms of literature too. If their customs and tradition are matched up with the Whites or Yellow Chinese, if it is measured economically, i would say quality is rather more prominent in other cultures. Orang Putih tak kawin bawah block..sebab tak hensem!!!!!!! Pergi jemputan pakai coat, shirt, bow and smart shoes..kalau bawah block pakai t-shirt macam mat kental kirakan dah leh pass off!

Then why is KL(menjerit), which host the promising Petronas towers aint a world class metropolitan city?? Have u watched the nifty yet propaganda driven ad on "Malaysia: Truly Asia". Gez wad! Come to think of it, it is so not Malaysia..itz juz Pulau Tioman, located offshore of the coast of Johore and Melaka..U cant expect such recepiton at KLIA, like KL??!! eeeeeeeee terok nya tempat tu..Bt more importantly, kudos to the Chinese, Shanghai is knows as the NEw YOrk of Asia..Thus i shall visit it one day..!!

Haiz..Melayu, Melayu..they say hidop melayu tapi achap kata, BILA NAK MAJU!!??? betol jugak..haiz, orang bikin steamship, dia bikin rakit..orang makan kat meja beribu2 dollar ngan pinggan, dia makan duduk bawah pakai daun pisang..orang masak pakai stove dia pakai arang..anak cina belajar pakai abacus, dia duduk bawah blok main gitar..orang cina hisap opium mintak tenaga, dia hisap nak kasi hi..apa dah..ibu ayam bertelor riuh sekampung, itulah kehidupan orang melayu..sikit ajer bangga..Orang Melayu lahirkan pakar bedah pertama di Singapura, bukan main front cover lagi u!..padahal2..bangsa lain dah macam2 dah ada. haiz..kalau bidang politik jgn kata ah, semuanya kaki mengampu.

Haiz, imagine this..if the upper class of the malay hierachy aint tat effective to perpetuate a stimulated progression within their race in this intensively evolutionised world, how can we put such tremendous weights on the middle class and the peasants i should say at the other bottom halF?? balik lepak, mana2 lepak, apa2 malas, biar orang lain bikin, kita pakai, bila nak cipta nama di mata dunia???

Posted at » 8:14 AM
25th march..let us grace the fields..

Well..lads, the team that im setting up on that very day would be a team whose skills juz mite be elevated and esclated to new heights compared to the one we drenched and outstretched ourselves in the 5-4 game against my friends' team..

Mates..please keep urself fit and the pass few days, i have been thinkering about the various possibilities or systems that our team should rightfully adapt in the first 20 mins of the game..Well, to prevent any suspense here is the line up

4-4-2...we juz mite have to change to 3-5-2 or 3-4-3 depending on the situatuion aite mates??

From: Ishamel, Fahmi, Khidhir, Bakar, Salman, Fauzi, Kurn, Syed, Achapz, Omar, Hon Kin,
subs: Nas, Hamdani, Ghani, Zul and Fizy(if they can make it or either of the 1st XI cant make it)..

Sadly mates, each of u have to fork out a dollar each to clear ot the remaining bill of the field..

Till then mates, please keep urself fit. JANGAN BANYAK BUANG AH!

And to Ameera, i really apprericate what u have done so far..please keep ur self strong aite lil sis..=)))

Posted at » 7:59 AM
KL Menjerit

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Posted at » 7:30 AM

Hidhirthoshi Nakata
Age 19
Birthday 230286
Horoscope Ikan Gerapu
School BMTC 2, power tau, surrounded by hutans!
Country Tokyo, Singapore

Religious studies
A tag on my shirt that says Made In Italy


March 2005

April 2005

May 2005

June 2005

July 2005

December 2005

January 2006

February 2006

March 2006

June 2006

July 2006

August 2006

October 2006

November 2006

December 2006

August 2008

October 2008

November 2008



